Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 31, Year 2009

Ok, so this is my first time doing this for me. I have done blogs for work and stuff, but they aren't usually fun or anything. Here it goes.
My wants as of today:
  • more free time
  • more time with my hubby
  • more time with my dogs
  • more time with my family
  • to finish my paper so I can finally graduate
  • to buy a house
  • to be happy
  • to be fully in love with God everyday more and more

Not a whole lot to ask, huH? But why is it always so hard to achieve your dreams and goals and why do people always try to set you back? Shouldn't we all try to lift each other up so we can be happy with our lives and ourselves?

1 comment:

Susan said...

Here's my random theory about goals: At some point you really just have to live your life for you. If you want something, do it. Make the time and you will be happier for it. I promise. (See there, you'd even achieve several goals in one!)

Keep posting, I'll keep reading. I miss my GPS girls.